Thursday, December 31, 2020
Barney, aka "Barn Cat"
Cottagecore Aesthetic continued...
"Patience Pole" theory and highline for horse training
Sports Tracker App for recording rides
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I think what I like most is just the sense of accomplishment I get from looking back at what I've done!
Some Favorite Grooming Products for Dogs and Horses
First off, these Grooming Gloves...
I have tried numerous other types of scrubby mitts, bath mitts, and curry gloves, but these really have more teeth that actually get down to the skin. As proof, my sensitive TB is not a big fan. BUT, you can also use them on tails! Just put your palms together with the tail hair in between and stroke down. Works great!The next product, I actually purchased from my vet, but it is available on Amazon, and I intend to buy more. It is Hylyt Shampoo by Bayer
Wow! One bath was all it took! No more flakes anywhere to be seen on her skin, and her coat was super soft. I really wish I had taken a before picture, as I was extremely impressed by the difference. I can't wait for the weather to warm up so I can try it on the horses.... particularly those prone to rain rot and fungus issues.
Monday, November 30, 2020
Eva and Atticus do a couple jumps
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Wednesday, September 09, 2020
200 Acres added to Rosaryville State Park!
I was recently introduced to cottage-core by a friend who heard a segment on NPR (national public radio), and thought, “that is exactly the sort of thing Anna does!” So of course, I promptly asked the Google about it, and this is what I learned:
“Cottagecore” (Also called Farmcore or Countrycore) is a visual look that is inspired by a romantic version of life on a farm in places such as the U.S., Australia, England, Ireland, and Scotland. It is based on the concept of living simply and in harmony with nature. I tend to think of Little House on the Prairie, or the Hippie movement of the 1970s (only cleaner and sweeter smelling, with fewer drugs).
It involves the subjects of self-sufficiency, growing and raising your own food, taking care of family and community, so forth and so on. It seems to be a common theme that while I know what I am interested in, I don’t always know the proper search terms to use or what the current buzzwords are. I frequently would search for “ferme ornée” (Ornamental Farm in French), which is what Thomas Jefferson’s estate Monticello was referred as… what one might once have called a “Gentleman’s Farm”. It also revolves around the idea of an aesthetically pleasing farm, where the animal enclosures, fences, structures, etc. should not be solely utilitarian, but also must be pleasing to look at.
The one thing I found rather interesting is that apparently there is a political bent to some of this movement… being either very strongly LGBTQ, or the far-right based on traditional gender roles. Kind of funny, huh? I love the Cottagecore stuff simply for the aesthetic, and disregard any political leanings around the trend.
Of course, there has also been criticism because Cottagecore idealizes a refined Eurocentric farming life, which some think carelessly celebrates colonialism, as well as simplifies and underestimates the labor of farmers. (I mean, it wouldn’t be quite such a fun fantasy if you had to look at photos of underpaid immigrants laboring under the hot sun and all the human rights abuses that go on in the real world). Then again, my argument would be that this is of course an ideal, visually appealing fantasy version of farm life. I mean, come on, it includes fairies!

Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Little Pony Wookie’s first real ride!
Tracker for elderly or sick pets
Friday, June 26, 2020
Great day for riding!

Wednesday, June 24, 2020
A few more products created for the horsey set...
Monday, February 10, 2020
People Falling Off Horses Blog
Sherrie riding Atticus in the dressage ring
At any rate, she asked me if she could regularly school Atticus, and of course I jumped at the chance! Here is some video of her riding him the other day, where she really got him to respond to her leg and to collect a bit:

Thursday, January 16, 2020
Some fun horsey products....
race horse wrapping paper
I used to be rich...
Saturday, January 04, 2020
Atticus at his first recognized horse trial!
Cookie, the mini, pulling a sled!
Miniature Horse sledding I have been periodically working with my miniature horse, Cookie, to teach her to drive. She still needs a bit of ...

These are my various home-made concoctions that I have found very useful to use around the farm. For the Coat Fly Spray : I find the very b...
Here is my latest kitchen crafty venture... Making a thickening gel from various seeds and spices. I first came across the idea on a beauty...
Feeding field boarded horses can be a challenge. I was always frustrated with most of the barns where I field boarded, because the horses...