Wednesday, September 09, 2020

200 Acres added to Rosaryville State Park!

*NOTE: I originally wrote this post on February 6, 2020.  I have been trying to find out if the sale has indeed gone through or not, since I figured some budgets may have been cut due to Covid-19.  Still haven't found out anything.
The Maryland Department of natural Resources has acquired an additional 200 acres of land adjacent to Rosaryville State Park (the park that abuts the rear of my property and the number one reason I purchased my farm!).
I haven't found any news on the purchase, other than a few short articles that basically say, "...its acquisition will expand the park’s offerings including equestrian opportunities and an expanded trail network."  I am guessing the property is probably what a local guy referred to as the "Woods Boys"... I couple of elderly gents who were extremely nice the one time I met them riding on their property many years ago.  It touches my property on one back corner.  Here is a map from PG Atlas with the areas shaded:

Cookie, the mini, pulling a sled!

Miniature Horse sledding  I have been periodically working with my miniature horse, Cookie, to teach her to drive. She still needs a bit of ...