Thursday, January 07, 2021

Flaxseed Gel, Chia Seed Gel, and Fenugreek Gel

Here is my latest kitchen crafty venture... Making a thickening gel from various seeds and spices.  I first came across the idea on a beauty forum, where people were raving about Flaxseed Gel as a hair and skin conditioner.  Super easy to make, all you do is boil down some flaxseed for a while, then strain the liquid through a sieve, and voilĂ !  You have a magic gel!  

Looking into it a little further, I also found references to gel from Chia Seeds and from Fenugreek (A plant frequently used in Indian cooking that has many health benefits).  Fenugreek is also referred to as methi seeds. So I have now made Chiaflax gel, Fenuflax gel, and Chiafenuflax!  Inventing some fun new words in the process.  The making of the stuff basically involves boiling the seeds together for a time, then straining the liquid, which will thicken as it cools. (I must note the recipes say you can "observe the mucilage form as the water becomes thicker." Sounds so appetizing, eh? Yummm, mucilage!)  Less liquid equals thicker gel, and vice versa.

Store gel in the fridge and make sure you use it before it goes funky. For skin and hair, you can add some essential oil for fragrance. Use it for what, you ask?  Well, here is what I do with it...

  • Add to my DIY liquid soaps, shampoos, and conditioners (both human and animal) to thicken.
  • Add to my hoof oil concoctions.
  • Add to dissolved horse meds before squirting into mouth so it's a little thicker and slick.
  • Mix with a little hair gel or mousse for a less damaging product prior to braiding manes or hair.
  • Use as a safe, water-based lubricant for things like thermometers and... things.

Cookie, the mini, pulling a sled!

Miniature Horse sledding  I have been periodically working with my miniature horse, Cookie, to teach her to drive. She still needs a bit of ...