Monday, January 25, 2021

Barn Hacks and Tips

Use shower scrubby gloves to clean tack! 

Gets the soap more sudsy and really helps scrub off those sweat spots that hold dirt. Also, no more dropping your damp sponge in the dirt! (Or is it just me that does this?)

Use Pink Lotion made for ethnic hair types as a detangler.

This stuff works much better than any of the silicone-based products out there, and is much healthier for manes and tails anyway. I haven't yet figured out what it is that makes this work so well, but it may be that it has a higher lanolin content than other stuff. At any rate, it works a treat!

A ski suit keeps hay off you!

If you live in a cold climate, you know how hay loves to cling to fleece fabrics.  A ski suit over everything sheds hay and dust pretty well, and it keeps your regular clothes pretty clean! I hate having to change clothing repeatedly from running out to do chores. 

Also along these lines, one of my favorite tools is one I actually got because I had long-haired shepherds....

A dog dryer has many uses!  

This little thing, although pricey, has a lot of power for it's size.  I have used it to blow the dust and hay off myself before coming into the house, to blow the dirt out of saddle pads and rugs, and also to blow the dust and dirt off my horse before clipping when I wasn't able to bathe first.

Note: the one in the link above I purchased almost 10 years ago and it is still going strong!  It lives on my porch just inside the door.

Cookie, the mini, pulling a sled!

Miniature Horse sledding  I have been periodically working with my miniature horse, Cookie, to teach her to drive. She still needs a bit of ...