Sunday, January 03, 2021

The Wonders of Oxine AH for disinfecting

I love using Oxine for all sorts of disinfecting around the farm. I consider it a vital disinfectant to have, and don't ever want to be without it!  You don't need to use much at all for it to be super effective. 

It's used industrially for drinking water, and I add a little to the water troughs and my rain barrels to prevent algae and bacteria growth. I also use it to clean feed and water buckets, especially if a horse has been sick.  However, one of it's best uses is in treating hoof ails, such as thrush, abscesses, and insect bites, cuts, scratches on horse legs. A couple of my older horses are prone to leg fungus issues, which can lead to hoof cracks if around the coronary band.  So mixing up some of this in a watering can, activated with citric acid, and pouring it over freshly washed legs seems to do wonders.

I was actually very worried that the price would shoot through the roof and it would be out of stock with the Covid-19 pandemic, but I actually had no problems at all getting it. My only guess is that not many people know what a fabulous disinfectant it is.  There are many stories online about people using it (unactivated) in a fogger to cure poultry of respiratory illnesses.

Here is an excellent article with all the details, including mixing ratios and how to use it:

Treat and Prevent Hoof Infections with Oxine AH: Oxine AH is a powerful weapon against fungal and bacterial infections of the hoof and lower leg – such as thrush, white line disease, and scratches – yet it doesn’t harm living tissue when us…

Cookie, the mini, pulling a sled!

Miniature Horse sledding  I have been periodically working with my miniature horse, Cookie, to teach her to drive. She still needs a bit of ...