Sunday, November 10, 2024

Lesson Ideas cheat sheet saddle tag

I first came up with this idea after a friend told me that she used index cards on a binder ring, attached to her saddle D ring to help learn dressage tests.

I frequently find myself deciding to do ring work, only to draw a complete blank on all the lesson plans and riding exercises I just read about, not sure what exactly I should work on.  Hence, my laminated practice drills cards! This is my first draft.... I thought I could make various decks, such as "dressage lesson", "bomb-proofing", "jumping", and "ground work", and each deck could be a different color.

I also like the idea of having diagrams for set up of jumps, cavalletti, and riding figures.  Not sure how feasible this is in a size small enough to be clipped to the saddle, though. Maybe a fold-out type card would work, although that might be a little harder to laminate. I shall have to experiment a bit.

These cards are about 4" x 2". 

I currently have my basic riding set, and my groundwork set.  But really, you could make them for all sorts of different disciplines, from dressage exercises, to trick training!  Thoughts, opinions?

Riding exercises printed on laminated 3x5 notecards that can be attached to the saddle D ring.

Cookie, the mini, pulling a sled!

Miniature Horse sledding  I have been periodically working with my miniature horse, Cookie, to teach her to drive. She still needs a bit of ...