Thursday, December 23, 2021

So proud of pony Wookie!

My little ornery pony has come a long way! Wookie is my 5 yr. old Friesian/ Welsh cross pony. (Yes, I know, it was an accidental breeding).  Last week, my young junior jockey neighbor Yomar first took him for a refresher ride in the western saddle (as it had been a few weeks since he was last ridden).

Then the following day, his father (Yomar Ortiz Sr., a professional jockey) accompanied him on Pimms for a bit of leg stretching.  This time, he rode Wookie bareback (as he is most comfortable), and managed to urge him into a canter of more than a few strides for the first time.  They did great, I was very proud of both Wookie and Pimms.

And finally, I decided to finally take Wookie on a trail ride.  He did wonderfully, never having had to carry and adult for so long, and even doing a couple nice canter stretches!  I am very pleased with my little guy.

Here are the videos of the younger and elder Ortiz riders.  Aren't they just adorable?!:

Cookie, the mini, pulling a sled!

Miniature Horse sledding  I have been periodically working with my miniature horse, Cookie, to teach her to drive. She still needs a bit of ...