Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Rainy Day Stall Training or Stuck on Stall Rest

Considering that the ground outside has been looking like a swamp for the past couple weeks, it's getting really frustrating, and starting to feel like I have made no progress whatsoever with the horses.  So I decided to start brainstorming some things I could do in one of the run-ins or in one of the stalls.  I would love to hear other suggestions... these are mostly things I have been working on anyway in the open.

Exercises For The Stall Or Run-In

horse clipart training step to a mounting blockTeach horse to step hindquarters toward you for mounting. Stand on mounting block with horse on lead rope, reach over back to tap far hip. Keep tapping until horse takes a step toward you, then stop and reward.  

Practice cues for turn on haunches and turn on forehand from the ground, using your hand instead of leg.

Practice “head down” cue (Pressure on poll).

Accustom horse to clippers… acclimate them to the sound, then the vibration on various parts of the body… no actual clipping needed! OR…. Use a percussion massage gun!

Sit on horse bareback and use leg cues to pivot…

ü Move leg forward and tap shoulder for turn on haunches
ü Move leg back and tap for turn on forehand

Trick Training & Clicker Training

Teach to touch a target (i.e. empty water bottle) for a click & treat

 Cues for pick up foot …

ü Tap behind cannon for pick up behind (i.e. for bow)
ü Tap in front of cannon for reach out (i.e. Spanish walk)

Step up on pedestal

Pick up all feet from one side.

Teach "ears forward" cue for photos - 

ü Flashing hand sign up high. (Use horse neigh sounds from YouTube to get initial reaction so the horse gets the idea.) Click & Treat.

Teach horse to back up to a hand signal (Usually a wagging finger) ☝

 Just for fun

Practice vaulting on horse bareback. 

Sit on horse with rope halter and lead rope.  Practice flipping rope over horse’s head to pull head left, then right. This can later be used when riding.

Find your horse’s favorite scratchy spot… under the neck?  On the withers?

Practice your braiding skills

Practice putting on polos / leg wraps

Give applesauce and molasses in an empty dewormer syringe to make it fun and easy.

And finally, you can try these....

Cookie, the mini, pulling a sled!

Miniature Horse sledding  I have been periodically working with my miniature horse, Cookie, to teach her to drive. She still needs a bit of ...