Gail Joyce has been with the Park Police as a mounted volunteer since 2006. We are very proud of her and her Lippizan mare Anaverta!
Mid-Atlantic Lipizzan Association Ambassador Award for 2010 Gail Ann Joyce and Anaverta
Congratulations to Gail Ann Joyce and Anaverta for receiving the MALA Ambassador Award for representing the Lipizzan breed with honor, beauty and integrity. Below is a little about them:
Anaverta successfully completed her bomb proofing training with Sgt. Rick Pelicano of the MNCPPC Park Police. Anaverta is now the only Lipizzan fully commissioned to perform MNCPPC Park Police Volunteer Mounted Patrols and Details. Anaverta and Gail went to Washington DC to honor fallen Police Officers on Police Memorial Day. They stood stirrup to stirrup with the sworn officers who were protecting the Capitol’s perimeter as president Obama provided the keynote speech. Together they greeted the families of the fallen officers on the day of remembrance.
Anaverta and Gail participated in the Law Enforcement Torch Run for the Special Olympics and were the honor guard for the start of the torch run. As Park Police Civilian Mounted patrol members, Gail and Anaverta have logged numerous hours patrolling their local parks and acting as the eyes and ears of the park police force and providing a visible mounted presence.
In their first show season together they have won TL Reserve Champion high score with Pennsylvania Dressage Association (PVDA) Sugarloaf show. Anaverta also earned Champion high score TL at the Celebration Farm Show and TL Reserve Champion and High Score award at the PVDA year end awards. Together they have also participated in several large, organized trail rides and the Potomac Hunt Sponsored Clinic for “ Hopeful Fox Hunters.”;
Cookie, the mini, pulling a sled!
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