Farm Dog Disease on the Rise - Hobby Farms
This is an important article for those with rural dogs, regarding the rise of Leptospirosis cases. Dogs contract the disease when they come into contact with the urine of wild animals. (This is easier than you might imagine, considering the urine can be in creeks or streams, or on the grass that dogs might lick or eat.)
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Cookie, the mini, pulling a sled!
Miniature Horse sledding I have been periodically working with my miniature horse, Cookie, to teach her to drive. She still needs a bit of ...

These are my various home-made concoctions that I have found very useful to use around the farm. For the Coat Fly Spray : I find the very b...
Here is my latest kitchen crafty venture... Making a thickening gel from various seeds and spices. I first came across the idea on a beauty...
Feeding field boarded horses can be a challenge. I was always frustrated with most of the barns where I field boarded, because the horses...