Wow, it's been quite a while since I've posted. Things have been going well on the farm, and I am most grateful to have Greg to keep up with the mowing... when it was strictly up to me, things quickly got out of control. A couple of weeks ago, my friend Amy's sister and her kids came to visit... Greg rode them around on Magnum a bit, and they loved it!
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Monday, June 29, 2009
Cookie, the mini, pulling a sled!
I have been periodically working with my miniature horse, Cookie, to teach her to drive. She still needs a bit of refinement on important s...
These are my various home-made concoctions that I have found very useful to use around the farm. For the Coat Fly Spray : I find the very b...
Feeding field boarded horses can be a challenge. I was always frustrated with most of the barns where I field boarded, because the horses...
Here is my latest kitchen crafty venture... Making a thickening gel from various seeds and spices. I first came across the idea on a beauty...