Tuesday, October 12, 2021

What to do with all that hay twine?!

This time of year, everyone has piles of hay twine, that you have saved because you just know it will "come in handy" at some point.  So of course, the most obvious answer is... throw it out!  If you don't want a fire hazard or this... 

You can always find other crafty things to do with it!  I will no doubt update this post as time goes on with new and unique ideas. And I would absolutely welcome suggestions from any readers!

 But for now, here are some that I rather liked....

Crochet or braid it into:

  • Rugs or mats (especially for entryways)
  • weatherproof saddle pad
  • lead rope (Use multiple strands to make it extra strong)
  • halter or a bridle (Something I frequently crafted as a kid with a pony)

Use it to tie up baby trees that are leaning the wrong way.

Make a diy fly whisk with a bunch of twine and a stick.

Use it to "temporarily" fix broken gates and fencing, if you don't mind your place looking like the Clampetts live there! (We all know these temporary fixes seem to morph into permanent fixes, as other projects take priority).

Little Wookie is doing great!

I have decided I should find a good person to lease Wookie.  I think he really has the potential to be the perfect all-around little guy!  The last time we went out on the trails, he had no problem leading the way, and didn't seem the least bit spooky.

He is also stocky enough to carry many adults (myself included, of course).  As will all my youngsters, I will need someone who is experienced and a strong rider, so that he doesn't develop any bad habits, but I am sure the perfect person is out there... now I only need to find them!

Cookie, the mini, pulling a sled!

Miniature Horse sledding  I have been periodically working with my miniature horse, Cookie, to teach her to drive. She still needs a bit of ...