Monday, February 10, 2020

People Falling Off Horses Blog

Okay, I just stumbled across this blog on Tumblr, and although it's probably NOT the best thing to peruse if you're looking to regain your riding confidence, it is extremely entertaining!  So please, click for your amusement...

Sherrie riding Atticus in the dressage ring

Sherrie is Maya's riding instructor.  She has been teaching for 30+ years, but hasn't done a lot of riding herself lately, and has wanted to get back in the saddle... partially because she has an off the track (OTT) Thoroughbred that she will be working with once she gets his hoof issues sorted out.  I know where she's coming from... riding a young and potentially hot horse when you don't feel that you are in fit riding shape can be a challenge, not to mention intimidating! 

At any rate, she asked me if she could regularly school Atticus, and of course I jumped at the chance!  Here is some video of her riding him the other day, where she really got him to respond to her leg and to collect a bit:

Cookie, the mini, pulling a sled!

Miniature Horse sledding  I have been periodically working with my miniature horse, Cookie, to teach her to drive. She still needs a bit of ...