Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Horses in Snow

A couple photos from last week.... our first snow of the year!

From left to right:
Brandy, Teddy, and Atticus

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Where is the snow?

So here we are, January 17th, and no snow yet for the year.  Actually, I'm not really complaining... we've had some downright spring-like days this mild winter.  Quite a few in the 60's.  But I would like one or two snow days a year... here are some photos from years past of the snow-covered farm.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Horse and Pet Podcasts

I recently discovered a new site... Pet Life Radio.  It has podcasts on numerous subjects regarding all types of pets, including horses.  It's nice to listen to while doing chores around the house.  Here's a good one I listened to the other day concerning horse agility: 
                     Equine Agility

Cookie, the mini, pulling a sled!

Miniature Horse sledding  I have been periodically working with my miniature horse, Cookie, to teach her to drive. She still needs a bit of ...