Monday, December 28, 2009

Let's take the cow for a car ride....

In case you're worried that your cow is getting bored just sitting around in a field all day....

New Year's Resolutions - Horses

What are your new years resolutions?  Or does anyone even bother to make them anymore, since it seems that most are forgotten about come Groundhog's Day!  I challenge everyone to make a list of things they'd like to accomplish in the coming year involving horses. (I figure narrowing down the category will make it a little easier!)  Here are some things I'd like to do:

1. Go camping again at Assateague in the fall.
(For those who aren't familiar, Assateague Island in Maryland allows camping with your horse on the ocean side of the beach from around September to April every year.  It's great fun to gallop on the beach!)

2. Compete in at least one Horse Trial this year.

3. Do a hunter pace with friends.  I'll throw in here - go foxhunting at least once this year.

4. Get Teddy (my young Tennessee Walker) started under saddle this summer.

For other ideas of horsey / riding New Year's Resolutions, check out "A Rider's Bucket List".

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Life on a Southern Farm: Cold Baby Goat Video

Life on a Southern Farm: Cold Baby Goat Video

Awww, this is just the cutest thing ever! As annoying as they can be when adults, I must admit that there is still nothing cuter than a newborn baby goat!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Plant a Memory: Five Steps to Create Time Capsule for Your Farm - Hobby Farms

Plant a Memory: Five Steps to Create Time Capsule for Your Farm - Hobby Farms

Chicken Coops: Choose the Right One - Hobby Farms

Chicken Coops: Choose the Right One - Hobby Farms

Horses in the snow

  "So are you going to feed us, or what?"

Snow, snow, and more snow!

Zoey just loves the snow!

I must say, fresh snow is charming and fun for the first day or so, but when you have a farm, it gets old quickly. I again thank my lucky stars for my 4 wheel drive tractor, and the bucket that works quite nicely as a snow plow when needed.

Saturday was mostly fun, plowing the driveway and the neighbor's drive before the snow got very deep, admiring the clean blanket of white over everything. Before bed Saturday night, I noticed with a bit of surprise that it was still snowing, but not until Sunday did I realize how much! It took me quite a while to get hay to the horses, as the snow was deep enough that the tractor frequently got stuck and the wheels would just spin. So I'd have to get down and dig out by hand for a bit, before traveling another 5 feet or so.... it took me much more time and muscle power than I had anticipated! Perhaps I should have kept ahead of the snow more on Saturday....

Cookie, the mini, pulling a sled!

Miniature Horse sledding  I have been periodically working with my miniature horse, Cookie, to teach her to drive. She still needs a bit of ...